40G转10GAOC有源光缆是一种4x10 Gb/s并行有源光缆,用于存储、数据和高性能计算互连。Quadwire®AOC通过带状电缆以点对多点配置传输四个10 Gb/s数据流。电缆一端包含一个QSFP+模块,另一端包含四个独立的SFP+模块。
Four-channel full-duplex active optical cable with breakout from QSFP+ to four SFP+
10.3125 Gb/s per channel
Low weight for high port count architectures
High-density 40 Gb/s interconnectivity
Small bend radius for easy installation and fiber management
Low power consumption
Complies with QSFP+ and SFP+ MSA form factors
Utilizes vertically integrated and highly reliable VCSEL technology